I’m Not a Strong, Educated Black Woman


“Hi, I’m a strong, educated Black woman,” says no one. Can I be strong and intelligent? And, can I just be Black? Separately? Excuse me for acquiring all three, but I like my “compliments” to stand apart from my blackness.

I am a woman. Yes, I earned a degree that’s likely resting in a box in a corner collecting dust. Yes, I use my knowledge, skills and my God-given talents daily. But, I am still a woman. Yes, I am Black. But, I am simply…woman.

I don’t twist my neck and snap my fingers. I am a woman. I don’t need fancy titles or adjectives to distinguish my intelligence. I am  a woman.  I don’t use my physical prowess to beat and cause injury. I am a woman. I’m not angry at the world. I’m a woman. My blackness is strength, not insulting. I am a woman.

I am outspoken, I am proud, I am funny, I am fierce, I am fabulous. I am a woman.

And, like my fairer-skinned sisters, I am educated and strong. Stop equating my intelligence and strength to my skin color and race. When’s the last time you heard, “she’s a strong, educated White woman?”  Is it easier to hear an opposing word from a White woman? Is she less angry than a Black woman? Is education more appropriate for White women? Are White women not as strong as Black women? Well, #ibedamned. I am not a strong, educated Black woman. I am a woman.

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18 thoughts on “I’m Not a Strong, Educated Black Woman

  1. *Inhales slowly* I am sick and tired, I repeat, sick and tired, of people always having to group everything under the sun with blackness. Whether it’s “Angry and Black”, “Intelligent and Black” or “Black and Beautiful” we can never seem to get a compliment without mentioning our race. Don’t get me wrong, I am proud of my blackness, and I without hesitation and doubt will own it COMPLETELY. However, other racial groups seem to just be “funny” “beautiful” and “intelligent” sans their ethnic background. Great post, and I look forward to reading more of your work. ❤


  2. Great post! I agree with you and everyone else. We should also be celebrated for our great achievements and characteristics. I was having a conversation with family and friends about something similar to this. My 14 year old daughter was told by a group of peers that she talks like a “white girl”. We felt like it was really demeaning and insulting.


  3. This is so good. Lately it seems that everything we do is presented “as a black woman”. But that’s what we are…we have no choice. LOL
    Our characteristics shouldn’t always be a part of our race or color. Thats part of is but not ALL we are.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I agree we shouldn’t always have our race added to our gender when they’re great things about us. I am first a woman as Anitra stated, that happens to be black with a degree. Right on, sis! Thanks for speaking the truth!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You have to good point. I think if we weren’t portrayed so negatively in the media and stereotypes, adding the black piece wouldn’t feel necessary sometimes.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. While I agree, I think some people, myself included, proudly proclaim being strong, educated, and black because there are so many stereotypes out there to counteract that. With how we’re represented in the media via reality tv, Hollywood, and music, it’s nice to show the world “hey, no, THIS is who we really are.. not THAT”. But I feel you girl, great piece!


    • I also agree with you. I had a similar conversation re: stereotypes on Black women. However, I’m sometimes confronted with the, “oh, you’re one of those strong, educated, black women” responses. This I know. But, everytime, I speak with authority or express an opinion, I shouldn’t be labeled or put in my box.


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